Agile Scrum Methodology | What is Agile & Scrum process?


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Agile Methodology:

  • Agile is an approach to software development that focuses on being flexible, working together, and making rapid changes. Agile methodologies are designed to handle changing requirements and adapt to new information and feedback during the development process.
  • In Agile software testing, testing is integrated into the development process and is performed throughout the development cycle rather than at the end. This allows for early detection and correction of defects, which can save time and resources in the long run.
  • In Agile testing, the testing team works closely with the development team, and testing is done sequentially as features are developed. This allows for more efficient and effective testing, as only the features currently being developed need to be tested.

The Agile testing process typically includes:

  • Test plan and design: This phase is used to create test plans and design test cases for the features currently being developed.
  • Test Execution: This phase is used to execute the test cases and report any defects found.
  • Defect Tracking and Resolving: This phase is used to track and resolve any defects found during testing.
  • Test Completion: This phase is used to document the results of the test and to close the test process.

Advantages of Agile Testing include:

  • Early detection of defects: Agile testing allows for early detection and correction of defects, which can save time and resources in the long run.
  • Increased collaboration: Agile testing promotes collaboration between the development and testing teams, which helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.
  • Improved flexibility: Agile testing allows for more flexibility in the development process, as it can adapt to changing requirements and new information throughout the development cycle.
  • Faster delivery: Agile testing allows for faster delivery of the final product, as testing is done incrementally and in parallel with development.

Disadvantages of Agile Testing Include:

  • Lack of complete documentation: Agile testing focuses on working software rather than complete documentation, which can be a problem for projects that require extensive documentation.
  • Difficulties with test automation: Agile testing requires frequent releases and changes which can be difficult to automate.

What is SCRUM?

Scrum is a specific framework for implementing Agile software development. Since the early 1990s, it has been a popular process framework for managing complex projects and products. Scrum is based on agile principles of flexibility, collaboration, and rapid iteration.

Scrum is made up of a set of roles, events, and artifacts that work together to provide a structure for managing complex projects and products. The main roles in Scrum are Product Owner, Scrum Master, Development Team, and QA Team.

  • The Product Owner is responsible for defining and prioritizing the features of the product and making decisions about the direction of the project.
  • The Scrum Master is responsible for facilitating the Scrum process and removing any obstacles the development team may encounter.
  • The Development team has the responsibility of delivering functional software until the completion of each sprint.
  • The QA team is responsible for testing the software developed by the development team and identifying bugs and then reporting them to be fixed.

What are the different events in the Scrum methodology?

Scrum consists of important events called Sprint, Sprint Planning Meeting, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective. These events play an important role in the Scrum framework.

  • A sprint is typically a period of two to four weeks, during which the entire team works on their stories and delivers working software.
  • A Sprint Planning Meeting is a meeting where the entire team and the Product Owner plan the work to be done during the next Sprint.
  • The Daily Scrum is a daily standup meeting where the entire team discusses the progress of the current sprint and plans for the next day.
  • A Sprint Review is a meeting where the entire team and the Product Owner review the work done during the Sprint and decide on the next steps.
  • Sprint Retrospective is a meeting where the whole team discusses the previous sprint such as what was good, what was bad, and what needs to be improved, and create action items to improve the process at the end of each sprint.

The Major artifacts in Scrum are the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increments.

  • The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of features that are required for the product.
  • The Sprint Backlog is a list of work that the development team plans to do during the next sprint.
  • The increment is the sum total of the work completed from the current sprint and the previous sprint. It reflects the overall progress in the development of a software product.

In summary, Scrum is a specific framework for implementing Agile software development. It is based on the Agile principles of flexibility, collaboration, and rapid iteration. 

It includes key roles, events, and artifacts such as Product Owner, Scrum Master, Development Team, Sprint, Sprint Planning Meeting, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment. 

It provides a structure for managing complex projects and products, and it helps to ensure that the final product meets the customer's needs and expectations.

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