Different Keywords in Java? | Keywords in Java


Java has several keywords that have specific meanings and uses in the language.


Some common keywords include:

abstract: Indicates that a class or method is abstract, meaning it must be overridden by a subclass or implementing class.

boolean: The data type that can hold only true or false values.

break: Terminates the current loop or switch statement.

byte: The data type that can hold an 8-bit signed integer value.

case: A label in a switch statement that specifies a value to match against.

catch: The block of code that is executed when a specific exception is thrown in a try-catch block.

char: The data type that can hold a single 16-bit Unicode character.

class: Indicates the start of a class definition.

continue: Skips the current iteration of a loop and continues with the next one.

default: A label in a switch statement that is executed if no other case labels match.

do: Indicates the start of a do-while loop.

double: The data type that can hold a double-precision 64-bit floating-point value.

else: The block of code that is executed if an if statement evaluates to false.

enum: Indicates the start of an enumerated type definition.

extends: Indicates that a class is a subclass of another class.

final: Indicates that a variable or method cannot be overridden or subclassed.

finally: The block of code that is executed after a try-catch block, regardless of whether an exception was thrown.

float: The data type that can hold a single-precision 32-bit floating-point value.

for: Indicates the start of a for loop.

if: The block of code that is executed if a certain condition is true.

implements: Indicates that a class is implementing an interface.

import: Allows the use of types from other packages in the current file.

instanceof: A operator that tests whether an object is an instance of a particular class or interface.

int: The data type that can hold a 32-bit signed integer value.

interface: Indicates the start of an interface definition.

long: The data type that can hold a 64-bit signed integer value.

native: Indicates that a method is implemented in native code.

new: Creates a new instance of a class.

null: A special value that represents the absence of an object reference.

package: Specifies the package that a class or interface belongs to.

private: Indicates that a method or variable can only be accessed within the same class.

protected: Indicates that a method or variable can be accessed within the same package or by subclasses.

public: Indicates that a method or variable can be accessed by any code.

return: Returns a value from a method.

short: The data type that can hold a 16-bit signed integer value.

static: Indicates that a method or variable belongs to the class, rather than an instance of the class.

strictfp: Indicates that a method or class should be executed using strict floating-point arithmetic, ensuring that the same results are produced on all platforms.

super: Refers to the parent class of the current class.

switch: Indicates the start of a switch statement.

synchronized: Indicates that a method can only be accessed by one thread at a time.

this: Refers to the current object.

throw: Throws an exception.

throws: Indicates that a method may throw a specific exception.

transient: Indicates that a variable should not be serialized.

try: Indicates the start of a try-catch block.

void: Indicates that a method does not return a value.

volatile: Indicates that a variable may be modified by multiple threads.

while: Indicates the start of a while loop.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and there are some more keywords available in Java that are used for specific purposes.

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