Selenium Architecture - Overview | Explain Selenium Architecture?


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The Selenium architecture is designed to provide a unified and consistent way of automating web browsers across different platforms and languages. It consists of four main components: Selenium WebDriver, Selenium RC, Selenium Grid, and Selenium IDE.

Selenium WebDriver: It is the core component of Selenium that provides an API for automating browser interactions. 

The WebDriver API allows you to write scripts that simulate user actions such as clicking buttons, entering text into text fields, and navigating between pages. 

WebDriver supports multiple programming languages like Java, C#, Python, Ruby, and JavaScript.

Selenium RC (Remote Control): It is the older version of Selenium and it uses a different architecture from WebDriver. Selenium RC uses a proxy server to communicate with the browser, which allows it to support more browsers, but it also has some limitations in terms of speed and reliability. 

Selenium RC is now in the legacy mode and it is not recommended to use it for new projects, but it can be used to run old scripts.

Selenium Grid: It is a tool that allows you to distribute your tests across multiple machines and browsers. Selenium Grid allows you to run your tests in parallel, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to complete a test suite. 

Selenium Grid also allows you to run your tests on different operating systems and browsers.

Selenium IDE: It is a browser extension that allows you to record and replay test scripts. Selenium IDE provides a simple and user-friendly interface for creating and editing test scripts. 

It also allows you to export your tests to different programming languages like Java, C#, Python, Ruby and JavaScript. 

Selenium IDE is a good tool for prototyping and learning Selenium, but it is not recommended for creating complex test suites.

Selenium 2 : The version of Selenium that was released after Selenium 1 (also known as Selenium RC or Selenium Remote Control). 

Selenium 2 includes the WebDriver API, which provides a more powerful and flexible way of automating web browsers compared to Selenium 1. Selenium 2 also includes Selenium Grid, which allows you to distribute your tests across multiple machines and browsers.

In summary, Selenium architecture is designed to provide a unified and consistent way of automating web browsers across different platforms and languages. The main components of Selenium are Selenium WebDriver, Selenium RC, Selenium Grid, and Selenium IDE. Selenium WebDriver is the core component and it is recommended to use it for new projects, Selenium Grid is used for distributed testing and Selenium IDE for prototyping and learning Selenium.

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