getWindowHandle and getWindowHandles In Selenium WebDriver


What is getWindowHandle  and  getWindowHandles?

In Selenium, a "window handle" is a unique identifier for a specific window or tab that is open in a browser. Each window or tab that is open in a browser has its own unique window handle.

getWindowHandle() method returns a string which is a unique identifier for the current window or tab. 

This method can be used to get the handle of the current window or tab that the Selenium WebDriver is interacting with.

On the other hand, getWindowHandles() method returns a Set of string which contains all the unique identifiers for open windows or tabs. 

This method can be used to get all the handles of the open windows or tabs in the browser.

Differences Between getWindowHandle  and  getWindowHandles?

The main difference between these two methods is that getWindowHandle() returns the handle of the current window or tab that the WebDriver is interacting with, while getWindowHandles() returns a set of handles for all open windows or tabs in the browser.

By using the window handle, you can switch to a specific window or tab and perform actions on it. And by using window handles, you can iterate over all the open windows or tabs and perform actions on each of them.

For example, you can use getWindowHandle() to get the handle of the main window, and then use getWindowHandles() to get all the handles of the open windows or tabs, and then use a loop to switch between them and perform the required actions.

Example Code for Multiple Window handling:

Multiple Window Handling code snippet

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